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It’s Time to Return to Work On-Site for Better Health

It’s Time to Return to Work On-Site for Better Health

Remote work may be worse for personal well-being. Know how to respond to tenant objections with these simple facts.



Tenant Perks Impact the Amenities Race

Tenant Perks Impact the Amenities Race

Things have changed in the job market…Ok, that may be an understatement. We all know that the post-COVID lockdown world has left a lot of changes. Employees have different expectations, which means tenants are looking for ways that their property can offer new amenities.



Planning Property Events in Advance

Planning Property Events in Advance

Planning and communication are key to hosting any successful event. Just as you must schedule dates in advance for your personal life, property managers also need to be scheduling corporate events well in advance. You might think it too early to be planning for Q4, but we’re already seeing mobile service providers booked in October thru December.



How to Promote Your Events

How to Promote Your Events

Using Digital Signage and Social Techniques Attendance is key to having a successful tenant appreciation, food truck, or special event. Over the past few weeks, we’ve been discussing how communication makes magic. This week we’ll show how using digital signage and social media may be your greatest untapped resources.



New - Featured Food Trucks

New - Featured Food Trucks

Our new Featured Food Trucks discuss two favorite food trucks every month. So you'll know what food trucks the MOBLZ community recommends, be sure to nominate your favorite food trucks, and we'll enter your name into our Free Food Friday drawing.



5 Tips to Make a Positive Impact on your Food Truck Rotations

5 Tips to Make a Positive Impact on your Food Truck Rotations

A strong food truck rotation is a selling point. Get MOBLZ’s Food Truck Rotation Checklist!



MOBLZ’ Secret Communication Weapon

MOBLZ’ Secret Communication Weapon

2022 Amenities Race Series: MOBLZ’ Secret Communication Weapon In case you have not seen some of the events we have helped run recently, they usually have great attendance. Many people ask MOBLZ “How are you getting this many people to participate?” Here is the is not that complex: COMMUNICATION!



5 Apps to Make Running Food Trucks Easier

5 Apps to Make Running Food Trucks Easier

Apps can help keep you organized and bring customers. This week we dive into some apps that can make running a food truck easier. They’re the apps we can’t live without and want to share!



What is the New Buzz around the Parks?

What is the New Buzz around the Parks?

2022 Amenities Race Series: Drone Videos and Campus Tours No - this is not another blog about bee keeping on corporate campuses...we already did the urban beehive article on how to lure back tenants with honey. This buzz is different; this week we’re talking about Drone Videos and Campus Tours. As one property manager recently told us: “My market is in an amenities arms race.” This and other emails over the next few weeks will focus on the current Amenities Race and how to keep your property in that game.
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