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Planning for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and as property managers we should be planning now to make sure that we have things in place so that we can help promote this important event.

Book a Mobile Mammography Unit
If you have access to a mobile mammography truck in your market, see if you can get it scheduled for your property sometime in October. Bringing healthcare to your property can help women who may have difficulty scheduling time away from work to get this necessary screening done. Hospital’s like Raleigh, North Carolina’s UNC Rex Healthcare, have a mobile imaging truck that services much of central North Carolina. Their mobile healthcare vehicle provides 3D screening mammograms to areas of the state where women might have difficulty accessing healthcare services.

Promote by Posting Pink
Pink is the traditional color for breast cancer awareness. During October, plan on using pink in any exterior decorations or signage you use. Do you have property flagging? Make it pink! If your property has a lobby or common area, post pink signage in there. If you have access to digital signage, post reminders throughout the month. Encourage tenants to add pink to their decor for the month - ribbons, flowers, images, even pink pens or highlighters. Maybe even decorate a tree in pink decorations!

Get Social
Even with social distancing and work-from-home still a major reality in our lives, we can still have some fun and maybe even raise some money for charities. Since October is also the month for Halloween, how about holding a pink pumpkin contest? Have your tenants create their best cancer awareness pumpkin and have a showcase. Display them in a lobby or common area and if appropriate, sit a collection jar next to each one. The pumpkin with the most donations wins! Or hold a 50/50 raffle. It’s simple and fun. Have tenants vote for their favorite cancer charity ahead of the raffle and then split the proceeds 50/50 with the winner and the charity. Also, make sure you’re posting positive and encouraging messages on your social media channels throughout the month. Promote what you’re doing as an organization.

Whatever you end up planning for Breast Cancer Awareness month, make sure you start now! Some of our suggested ideas may take a little time to pull off successfully. Once you get everything scheduled, send us pictures of what you did. We’d love to share them with others.