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Ultimate Guide for Marketing Your Food Truck on Social Media

So, you’re scheduling your food truck for events and that’s been going okay, but you know that you can do more. Now, the next step will be marketing to social media platforms to ensure that you’re booked and busy all the time. Anyone can open a food truck, but not everyone can keep it busy. We’ve decided to share with you a few of our favorite tips and tricks on how to effectively market your food truck business to social media.  

  1. You’ll need some high-quality photos and videos. Treat your food truck like any other high-scale restaurant: you wouldn’t want to eat somewhere where the food didn’t look appetizing on camera. The importance of food marketing existed long before social media. In fact, large scale chains such as McDonalds and Wendy’s use primarily fake food to ensure that their product always looks perfect. We don’t recommend using fake food as it can be a little bit pricey, but we do recommend always making sure your product looks its best on camera. Find out what platform works best for you and lean into it based on what your audience is interacting with. We recommend platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Tik Tok.  

  1. Offer free incentives to draw a crowd. Depending on what area you’re in, we recommend reaching out to local food bloggers in an effort to gain traction and exposure. Food bloggers are always looking for content, so we recommend offering them a free meal in exchange for coverage. Prioritize food bloggers that have high levels of engagement in order to optimize your time on their page.  

We also recommend working with event coordination services like MOBLZ to hook you up with the best spots for your food truck. Reach out to MOBLZ today for more information on how to get your food truck traction! 

~ Ali Knowles