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Fiesta Time (Planning for Cinco De Mayo)

Fiesta Time (Planning for Cinco De Mayo)

Originally, we had planned to write this week's email about planning for Cinco De Mayo which is, of course, on May 5th. Due to the current COVID-19 situation, we cannot completely follow our plan but we will do our best!



Building Up Amenities With Shipping Containers

Building Up Amenities With Shipping Containers

If you have traveled to larger cities in the past 2 or 3 years, you may have noticed that shipping containers are being used more to build things like stores, houses, bars/restaurants, and even offices.



Amenities For Working From Home

Amenities For Working From Home

As a majority of our country is now practicing social distancing, many of us are finding we’re spending much more time in our homes. Being away from everyone at work can seem to make life boring.



How to Survive Working From Home

How to Survive Working From Home

In the past few days we have been asked What do we do now? What is going to happen? How should we operate? Well we have your answers!



FOMA (Fear of Missing Amenities)

FOMA (Fear of Missing Amenities)

Fear no more! Amenities are always changing and building. But we will keep you in the loop.



Setting Up A Mobile Health Day

Setting Up A Mobile Health Day

Planning a Mobile Health Day for your office park can be just as simple as bringing food trucks to your location.



Does Fitness Come to Your Office?

Does Fitness Come to Your Office?

By utilizing your surrounding resources Fitness can come to your office space in many different ways!



A New Mobile Truck to Schedule

A New Mobile Truck to Schedule

Have you evenr thought about shopping for new clothes at your office park? This in now available to us and we couldn't be more ecstatic.



Best 3 Office Amenities That Will Fill Your Office Park With Tenants

Best 3 Office Amenities That Will Fill Your Office Park With Tenants

We no longer want to waste time driving to and from work. We no longer enjoy normalization and boring work atmospheres. People are looking for ease throughout their day. With the right ameneties everyone will be thrilled to work on your properties.
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